
NATUNA - The Natuna Regency Government, Riau Islands Province (Kepri) has provided land for relocation for victims of landslides in Pangkalan Village, Serasan District. "We will relocate 100 landslide victims to the Natuna Regional Government's land in the border area of Pangkalan Village with Jermalik Village," said Natuna Regent Wan Siswandi in Serasan, Antara, Wednesday, March 8. This was done as an effort to prepare for handling landslide victims because the location was not possible to live in or as a residential area. "We are preparing residents to be relocated, I think they will agree because like it or not, the current location is no longer possible," said Wan Siswandi. Meanwhile, the number of houses affected by the landslide that occurred on Monday, March 6 totaled 27 houses with 13 and 41 deaths has not been found. He also said that the plan to relocate landslide victims had also received the support of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and would be coordinated with the PUPR. "The land has no more problems, it is government land, we will prepare and coordinate with related parties," he said. A coordination meeting between the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Riau Islands Provincial Government and Natuna Regency in Serasan, Wednesday

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