
JAKARTA - West Java Golkar Party DPD chairman Ace Hasan Syadzily refute the information that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) has the potential to disband. The internal coalition is still solid.

"KIB is still solid and compact," Ace said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 7.

The internal solidity of KIB, he said, was marked by intensive communication between the Chairperson of the Golkar Party, PAN, and PPP until now.

"Communication between the three chairmen is very intensive," he said.

Ace dismissed the news that KIB was faltering because he had not yet decided on the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates to be carried.

According to him, KIB has a step-by-step mechanism in determining this.

He explained, the discussion regarding the new KIB presidential and vice presidential candidates would be determined at the right time.

"The general chairmen who are members of the KIB have agreed on the right time to discuss the presidential and vice presidential candidates," said Ace.

Previously, Acting Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Muhamad Mardiono dismissed reports that there were signs that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) had the potential to disband.

"Oh, no. There has never been any sign that KIB will disband. No," Mardiono told reporters when contacted in Jakarta, Monday.

He also denied that the internal KIB was faltering because it had not yet decided on the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election.

According to him, KIB is currently preparing the best duet partner that will be carried by him.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the PPP Advisory Council Muhammad Romahurmuziy denied the news of the KIB split and asked the public not to lead KIB to the verge of disbanding.

"Don't be led astray 'potentially disbanded'," said Rommy, his close nickname, in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday.

However, Monday (6/3), Secretary General of the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) DPP Hasto Kristiyanto confirmed that he had met with the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the United Development Party (PPP) Muhammad Romahurmuziy on Wednesday (1/3).

"We see each other with PPP, moreover we are neighbours. Just type on the neighbor's door, we meet," Hasto said in a statement received in Jakarta.

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