
A total of 1,216 people fled due to floods and landslides that hit Serasan District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands Province (Kepri).

The number of refugees was gathered from the Serasan Island Disaster Management Joint Team. The details include 219 people taking refuge in PLBN, 215 at Serasan Health Center, 500 in Pelimpak and Al Furqon Mosques, and 282 at SMA Negeri 1 Serasan.

All refugees are known to come from three villages in Serasan District, which are located around the landslide area, including Air Raya Village, Air Sekain Village and residents of Pangkalan Village.

The Gagungan team said four refugees at PLBN were seriously injured and four others were critical.

Meanwhile, material losses due to landslides based on data from the Natuna Communications and Information Office yesterday totaled 27 buildings, with details of 26 houses and one Surau.

The current condition on Serasan Island is still having difficulty signaling. Currently, the joint SAR team and the Natuna Regent's entourage are at the landslide location.

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