
SUBANG - The Government of Subang Regency, West Java, received assistance in the form of a fleet of amphibious heavy equipment from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) to handle floods.

Subang Regent Ruhimat said that the amphibious heavy equipment assistance would be used for river normalization activities. This was done as an effort to deal with flooding.

In addition to amphibious heavy equipment, the Subang Regency Government also received ready-to-use funding assistance of around IDR 250 million, plus IDR 100 million for disaster logistics.

Previously, while attending an event in Jakarta, the district head met BNPB Head Lt. Gen. Suharyanto at his office.

At that time, the regent had said that in his area there were 14 villages that had been hit by flooding. The flood disaster occurred due to high rainfall followed by the overflow of several rivers.

"There were 14 villages in Subang that were affected by flooding (last week), especially the northern area, from Patimban to Blanakan," he said.

The Subang Regency Government stated the importance of normalizing the river, due to siltation.

"The rivers in Subang are experiencing siltation, so when it rains heavily, the river water overflows causing flooding. So we really need normalization," he said.

Meanwhile, a few days after receiving a report or complaint from the Regent of Subang, Head Lt. Gen. Suharyanto complied, namely by sending heavy amphibious equipment.

The delivery of the amphibious heavy equipment is to support river normalization activities. This activity is believed to be one of the efforts to deal with flooding in the northern Subang region.

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