
BEKASI - The Acting Regent of Bekasi, Dani Ramdan, said that a number of factors caused a number of schools in his area to experience flooding. He also said that the Bekasi Regency Government (Pemkab) would immediately tackle it.

This was conveyed by him during a review of the three schools that were flooded in Sukakarya District, Bekasi Regency, Saturday, March 4. The three schools include SDN 04 Sukajadi, SDN 02 Sukamakmur, and SMPN 1 Sukakarya.

"Indeed, there are still many schools in Bekasi Regency located in low topographic areas, so every time it rains, water flows there and there is no disposal," he said at SDN 02 Sukamakmur, as quoted from Antara, Saturday.

Based on the latest data from the Bekasi Regency Education Office, there are at least 121 elementary school buildings that have been flooded, some of which are still inundated.

His party is currently investigating schools that stand on the lowlands to raise land contours, including SDN 02 Sukamakmur which is included in this year's revitalization plan.

"Therefore, we will include a little (land) that is possible to increase in 2024. If this one is included in the rehabilitation budget this year, meaning that from the three localities, we will add it to four local areas, so that all children can go to school in the morning," said Dani.

Dani asked BPBD and sub-district elements to assist in the process of cleaning up mud when puddles in schools have gradually receded.

"We will help clean, especially trees, later assisted by BPBD. It looks like Monday is ready to be occupied again. Saturday and Sunday are cleaned, Monday has started school as usual," he said.

As for schools that are still flooded, Dani requested that the school can continue online learning activities.

Meanwhile, the Head of SDN 02 Sukamakmur Jazuli explained that due to flooding for more than a week, four classrooms were badly damaged.

"We did stop teaching and learning activities yesterday while we were flooded. Now it's starting to recede, we will clean it later so that Monday the children can go to school again," he said.

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