
Polda Metro Jaya has named AG as the perpetrator in the case of abuse by Mario Dandy Satrio (20) and Shane (19) against the victim David. AG was previously appointed as a witness at the South Jakarta Metro Police, but after an examination at Polda Metro Jaya, AG's status changed, he became the perpetrator.

AG was also charged with Article 76 c in conjunction with 80 of the Child Protection Law and/or Article 355 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 356 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, subsidiary 354 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 356 of the Criminal Code, which is more subsidiary to Article 353 paragraph (2) in conjunction with 56 KUHP, more than subsidiary 351 paragraph (2).

However, regarding the threat of punishment against AG, Polda Metro Jaya was reluctant to explain in more detail. The Regional Police said that the maximum threat would be conveyed by criminal experts.

The threat of punishment to AG is not yet clear, drawing criticism from the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW). IPW hopes that the police will be objective, professional and accountable.

Chairman of the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso said, in the case of violence, the roles of Mario Dandy Satrio and Shane were very clear. Meanwhile, the role of AG, the police must explain in detail so that the public can know about it.

"What is the role of thisAG? It must be explained to the public. Not because of public pressure or pressure from the victim's family, but the criminal element is not yet clear," Sugeng told VOI, Thursday, March 2, evening.

Sugeng questioned the status of AG to be the perpetrator for violating what crime. The police are expected to explain so that the public can find out easily.

"It must be explained so that the public can understand more easily. Because recently, public pressure has become something that can suppress and direct the decisions of law enforcement officials," he explained.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya decided to increase AG's status as the perpetrator in the case of mistreatment of David Ozora. AG was called by the police as the perpetrator, not a suspect, the police said this because he was still a minor.

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