PALANGKA RAYA - Investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Central Kalimantan Police asked two people who were on the wanted list (DPO) related to the case of blocking police cars using sharp weapons to immediately surrender.
The two perpetrators intercepted a police car using sharp weapons at the Beringin Estate Block 1/6 Afdeling Golf PT. Satria Hupasarana Bukit Raya Village, Menthobi Raya District, Lamandau Regency on January 24, 2023.
Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Faisal F Napitupulu, said that if two DPOs against the police in the PT. Satria Hupasarana company named Pujut and Diman did not surrender, then his party would take firm action.
"So later we will also not hesitate to give them a measured decisive action," he said in Palangka Raya, Antara, Thursday, March 2.
Faisal said that until now the joint team from the Lamandau Police and the Central Kalimantan Police also continued to pursue the two people who are currently fleeing because they do not want to be held accountable for their actions.
It is better for the two people to take the initiative, such as their two colleagues, namely David and Nelvin, who have surrendered to the Central Kalimantan Police to be accountable for what they have done.
"Once again, Pujut and Nelvin immediately surrender to the nearest police station, otherwise we will not stop conducting investigations to find out where they are hiding," said Faisal.
From this case, the Central Kalimantan Police managed to arrest three perpetrators who have now also been named as suspects in the case of blocking the police car carrying the Kasat Sabhara of the Lamandau Police, Sariman, who was arrested in a hut in the forest, while David and Nelvin surrendered to the Central Kalimantan Police Headquarters.
From this act, investigators also pinned the perpetrators under Article 2 of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 sajam, Article 214 of the Criminal Code, Article 335 of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of seven years, a minimum of 1 year.
"We have also entrusted the three suspects to the Central Kalimantan Police Headquarters Detention Center to account for their actions. Meanwhile, regarding the investigation files, the perpetrators will be completed in the near future and will be sent to the local prosecutor's office," he said.
The Dirkrimum Polda Central Kalimantan also pursued the DPO for the theft of palm oil at PT. Satria Hupasarana (SHS) named Mustakim in its action acts as an operator for the company's palm oil.
Meanwhile, four other people have languished and were named as suspects, such as Rohansyah acting as the mastermind behind the theft, Periawan acting as a car driver to transport stolen palm oil, Joko Suwito playing a role in collecting palm brondola and M Taufikri acting as a transporter of stolen palm oil from the crime scene to the car.
Meanwhile, the articles applied to suspects Periawan, Joko Suwito and M Taufikri, namely Article 363 paragraph 1 to 4E of the Criminal Code with a threat of seven years in prison.
Meanwhile, Rohansyah's brain is subject to Article 363 Paragraph 1 to 4E in conjunction with Article 55.56 of the Criminal Code, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years.
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