
YOGYAKARTA The wealth of former tax official Rafael Alun Trisambodo was highlighted after his son, Mario Dandy Satrio, who likes to show off assets caught in cases of persecution.

In the State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN), Rafael's wealth was recorded at Rp56.1 billion for periodic reports in 2021.

In this regard, many parties consider Rafael Alun's wealth unreasonable, considering that his position is the Head of the General Section of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes South Jakarta II.

In addition, Rafael's wealth also exceeds the assets of the Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo, which amounted to Rp. 14 billion. In fact, Suryo is Rafael's superior.

In fact, Rafael's wealth is narrowly less than that of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, who has assets of IDR 58 billion.

So, what is the progress of Rafael Alun Trisambodo's wealth from year to year?

Based on the investigation, Rafael was recorded several times as reporting his assets to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Referring to data from the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN), the assets reported by Rafael as of June 24, 2011 reached Rp20.49 billion. This report was made when he served as Head of the Audit, Investigation and Tax Collection Division of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes East Java I.

In the LHKPN report submitted on January 25, 2011, Rafael's assets increased again to Rp21.45 billion. The position held by Mario Dandy's father at that time was the Head of Inspection, Investigation and Tax Collection of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes, Central Java I.

In January 2015, Rafael's assets rose significantly, to Rp35.28 billion. That figure again increased, when referring to the report submitted to the KPK on October 12, 2015. Rafael, who at that time served as Head of the Situbondo Primary Tax Service Office, had assets of Rp39.34 billion.

The wealth that Rafael reported on September 28, 2016 rose again to Rp39.88 billion. His position at that time was the Head of the Foreign Investment Tax Service Office Dua.

Rafael Alun Trisambo's wealth, which was reported to the KPK on December 31, 2017, increased again to Rp41.41 billion and Rp44.08 billion on December 31, 2018.

In a wealth report made on December 31, 2019, Rafael's assets rose slightly to Rp44.27 billion.

Rafael's wealth increased significantly as of December 31, 2020. The figure increased to Rp55.65 billion with the position of Head of General Affairs.

Now, based on assets reports as of December 31, 2021, Rafael's assets reach IDR 56.1 billion.

The assets are divided into land and buildings worth Rp. 51.9 billion. The property is 11 and spread across Jakarta, Sleman, to Manado.

There are only two vehicles belonging to Rafael Alun Trisambodo, namely the 2008 Toyota Camry worth Rp 125 million and the 2018 Toyota Kijang worth Rp300 million.

But in Rafael's report, there are no Jeep Rubicon and Harley Davidson vehicles that are usually exhibited by Mario Dandy, his son.

In more detail, the following is the progress of Rafael Alun Tri Sambodo's wealth from year to year.

That's information about the progress of Rafael Alun Trisambodo's wealth from year to year. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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