
JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Partai Kebangkitan Nusantara (PKN) Gede Pasek Suardika said Anas Urbaningrum, who joined after being released from prison in April, would open up. The former chairman of the Democratic Party is believed to have no doubts about the ins and outs of the case that ensnared him, including Hambalang's corruption. "He will be in us to open all the sides that used to happen so that people understand that yesterday was also not as fresh as imagined," Pasek told reporters at the KPK ACLC Building, Rasuna Said Jakarta, Tuesday, February 28. Pasek stated that his party was ready to accept Anas. The plan is that PKN will meet with Anas in April after he is released from prison. There are a number of things that will be discussed through the meeting, one of which is Anas' position in the new party. "He will determine that there will be a special meeting later in April," he said. Previously, PKN revealed that Anas would have a classy position in the party. He will be projected to determine the direction of the PKN struggle in the future. Not only Anas, a number of figures are also rumored to be joining. However, PKN does not want to talk much. For information, Anas was sentenced to 8 years in prison after submitting a review (PK) at the Supreme Court (MA) regarding the Hambalang mega project. In addition, he was required to pay compensation of Rp57.9 billion and 5,261,070 US dollars.

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