
BANDARLAMPUNG - Class I State Detention Center Bandarlampung destroyed dozens of prohibited items including toothbrushes, and cards during a raid in the residential rooms of local inmates.

"We have destroyed prohibited objects as a result of the sudden raid that we carried out", said Detention Head Iwan Setiawan via KPR Yusuf Priyo Widodo, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 24.

It was stated that dozens of prohibited objects had been destroyed, including cables, nails, cards, glass, toothbrushes, and others.

"We immediately destroyed everything by cutting it into two pieces, then burning it in a barrel", he said.

Karutan Iwan emphasized that the destruction of prohibited items was one of the ways to prevent and at the same time minimize the existence of prohibited objects or items in the residential rooms of the inmates.

The raids and searches, he said, were in the residential rooms of the assisted residents B2.7, B2.12, B1.1, B1.7, C1.1, C1.3, C2.1 and C2.4

"From the activities of carrying out this raid, no prohibited items such as drugs were found", he said.

In anticipating the existence of prohibited items, his party continues to tighten the block of assisted residents to anticipate the presence of prohibited items in the detention centre.

According to him, the tightening of the entire block continues every day based on the attention of the Head of the Correctional Division of the Lampung Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"Raids are one of our efforts to suppress the distribution of prohibited items. After that, we conduct inspections of all inmates so that there are no opportunities for inmates to keep prohibited items such as cell phones or drugs", he said again.

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