JAKARTA - Transportation observer Azas Tigor Nainggolan criticized cases of sexual violence against female passengers that continue to occur in Transjakarta repeatedly. According to Azas, there should be firm attitudes and steps from Transjakarta management to perpetrators of sexual violence. "The rise of cases of sexual harassment against Transjakarta passengers by other passengers should encourage Transjakarta management to take firm action against every perpetrator of sexual harassment at Transjakarta services," Azas told VOI, Wednesday, February 22. Azas assessed that Transjakarta management should improve a special security pattern at each Transjakarta bus stop to avoid various crimes that harm passengers. The crimes that still often occur are pickpocketing and sexual harassment. "It's time for Transjakarta to build security more at the Transjakarta bus stop to protect its passengers," he said. Previously, it was reported that an advanced man of suddenly age went viral on social media after being caught sexually harassing a woman with the initials H that occurred in the series of Transjakarta buses on the Monas - Pulogadung route.
From the victim H's confession, he became a victim of harassment by a man who swiping his genitals on the back of the victim's butt. The incident occurred when he came home from work. According to the victim, the Transjakarta situation on the Monas - Pulogadung route was always crowded at half past work. The incident occurred when the victim climbed from the Monas bus stop to Pulogadung. "I felt something strange and unnatural. Every now and then behind I directed his leg to my calf," said victim H in a statement on social media, Tuesday, February 21. The victim was then pulled by another female passenger to move to the position where many female passengers were. Then the perpetrator got off at the Rawa Selatan bus stop, Central Jakarta. The victim tried to arrest the perpetrator to be arrested immediately. The perpetrator was finally arrested. The perpetrator was a daily freelance officer (PHL) at the Tambora Traffic Police Post (Pos Polantas). "The perpetrator is a casual daily worker in Tambora who is named Mufarok, 56 years old," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko told reporters, Tuesday, February 21.
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