
JAKARTA - The general chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh is scheduled to meet the general chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) on Wednesday, February 22, tomorrow.

Surya Paloh and the NasDem board of directors will visit the Democratic Party DPP Office on Jalan Proklamasi, Menteng, Central Jakarta, at 10.00 WIB. The visit was for friendship purposes.

AHY and Surya Paloh are scheduled to meet in the Democratic DPP Blue Room for lunch together.

"The plan is for Mr. Surya Paloh and his entourage to arrive at the Democratic Party DPP office at around 10.00 WIB. The chairman of AHY accompanied by Secretary General Teuku Riefky and other core administrators will welcome Mr. Surya Paloh directly", said the Head of the Democratic DPP Strategic Communications, Herzaky Mahendra Putra in his statement, Tuesday, February 21.

In tomorrow's meeting, Herzaky said, the two national figures will discuss the latest national and populist issues.

"Including a judicial review of the open proportional election system, efforts to postpone elections, as well as changes and improvements that must be made in the future", he said.

Surya Paloh and AHY, added Herzaky, will also discuss the issue of the NasDem, Democrat and PKS coalition which have agreed to carry Anies Baswedan as the 2024 presidential candidate.

"The formation of the Secretariat for Change, preparations for signing the MoU, and the declaration of the Coalition for Change will also be the subject of discussion between the two figures", explained Herzaky.

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