
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia highlighted infrastructure development in the new autonomous region (DOB) of South Papua. Member of the House of Representatives Commission V also wants infrastructure development to be sustainable in the long term. This was stated by Member of Commission V DPR RI Sri Rahayu after holding an audience with the Regional Infrastructure Development Agency (BPIW) at the Merauke Regent's Office, South Papua, Friday (17/2/2022). In that discussion, Commission V DPR RI discussed the issue of sustainable development in the South Papua DOB. Discussions involving all elements of Commission V's working partners with the local government pay special attention to infrastructure development. Sri also emphasized the Regional Infrastructure Development Agency (BPIW) in order to design the development of the South Papua DOB in a sustainable manner. "I am interested in BPIW which compiles a program on how the infrastructure development of this province will be going forward. Development is not only for one year or two years but for the long term," Sri said in his statement, Tuesday, February 21. He said, Papua Province has been issued, in the South Papua DOB and other new provinces, preparations and planning for infrastructure development and planned transportation. The politition of this PDI-P faction affirms that infrastructure development in the South Papua DOB is integrated and connected.

"Therefore, in my opinion, while this is a new province, we are planning to realize it, the stages must be clear. So that this development is not in pieces, integrated and connected," said Sri. during this visit, the Commission V team also directly inspected the Merauke Sea Port and Kelapa Lima Port. During the visit agenda of the Commission V Team accompanied by the Regent of Merauke, Romanus Mbaraka, Deputy Regent of Merauke and representatives from the South Papua Provincial Government.

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