
Member of Commission IX DPR RI Netty Prasetiyani Aher asked the government to prepare real mitigation to anticipate the threat of layoffs in 2023 because if it is not anticipated, it will be a serious threat. "There must be concrete mitigation steps from the government to anticipate the threat of layoffs. The indications have been seen with many local and foreign companies reducing the number of employees," said Netty Prasetiyani, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 20. Therefore, said Netty, the government needs to find alternative export destinations and improve the domestic market.

"Optimize the APBN and APBD to stimulate the purchase of domestic products so that there is an increase in demand," he said. According to Netty, the state budget must be managed properly as an instrument that allows the economy to move and grow so that the storm of layoffs can be minimized. "The government must maximize the use of MSME products for domestic needs, thereby triggering the increasing need for labor," said Netty. JKP and JHT," he said.

Netty alluded to the issue of the Job Creation Perppu which was considered to have made it easier for layoffs to occur. According to Netty, the rules for layoffs at the Ciptaker Perppu are easier than Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. "In this Perppu, employers no longer need to get a determination from an institution to resolve industrial relations disputes or MA as required in Article 151 paragraph 3 of the Manpower Law," said Netty.

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