
The Bandarlampung Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) said that the incident went viral on social media regarding the termination of Christian Congregation services at the Yat Daud Christian Church (GKKD) in Rajabasa Jaya Village by unscrupulous residents on Saturday was just a miscommunication.

"Regarding the incident between residents and the congregation who carried out the service, it was just a miscommunication between the two parties," said FKUB Chairman Bandarlampung Purna Irawan, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 20.

He also said that the related parties that went viral on social media had succeeded in mediation with the Bandarlampung Police and the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag).

"We have indeed been able to mediate, so first, we certainly want religious life in Bandarlampung City to be harmonized with maintained harmony, because this is our city together, so whatever the problem is, it can be resolved by deliberating," he said.

He said that previously there had been meetings between the two parties, which agreed that the location was not yet a church but a residence.

"So from the meetings it was agreed that the place was a residence, not a church. Because for the church building the requirements would be much tougher," he said.

However, he also said that from the agreement there was a way out by referring to the Joint Ministerial Regulation (PMB) namely the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs in 2006 Number 98, that the house of residence could be used as a place of worship but with a number of requirements.

"Well, that's what was actually agreed together so that the administrators of the GKKD and the congregation were asked to fulfill these requirements by the residents. However, the conditions have not been fulfilled, the congregation performs worship," he said.

He said that on Sunday, February 19, there were indeed a number of village officials who approached the location of the GKKD congregation's worship, but the gate position was locked and it never opened so they jumped the fence to enter and remind them.

"Actually, the village apparatus came to remind and stop worship activities because of the fear that people would gather so that the keos occurred," he said.

He also emphasized that FKUB is committed that every citizen has the right to carry out their respective religious values safely, calmly and smoothly and in harmony.

"It's just that of course our desire for them to remain calm, harmonious, run smoothly, for that the conditions must be met," he said. Rajabasa Observer, Bandarlampung City, Hendry Satria Jaya said that previously there had been a meeting and approval in 2016 and 2022, where they could use the location for worship if the permit had been taken care of.

"So the viral video incident on social media is not a prohibition for worship, because people's worship should not be prohibited. So the location does not yet have a permit to use places of worship," he said.

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