
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police asked the South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Police to investigate the surprising statement of drug abuse suspects in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. The suspect admitted that he was arrested by the Resort Police while distributing narcotics.

The confession was recorded in a video that went viral on social media. The suspect said this during the disclosure of a drug case by the Tana Toraja Regency National Narcotics Agency (BNNK).

"I have ordered the Narcotics Directorate of the South Sulawesi Police to investigate the information in question," said Director of Narcotics Crime Brigadier General Krisno Siregar when confirmed, Monday, February 20.

The investigation began by confirming the truth of the suspect's statement.

If it is proven, later the Profession and Security Division (Propam) of the South Sulawesi Police will take action against these members.

"If members of the National Police who are in the South Sulawesi Regional Police, the Propam Midwives must step down," said Krisno.

Meanwhile, the suspect's confession was conveyed during a press conference held by BNNK Tana Toraja on Wednesday, February 15

In the viral video, there are four suspects. One of them said he dared to distribute drugs because they were protected by the local police.

However, it is not known that the police referred to by the suspect "We dare to do this because we were protected from below, the police," he said.

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