
A total of 15 public prosecutors (JPU) oversee the trial of the alleged corruption of people's business credit funds (KUR) worth Rp29.6 billion for 789 farmers in East Lombok and Central Lombok.

The alleged corruption case with the defendants Amirudin (AM) and Lalu Irham (IR) took place at the Mataram Corruption District Court, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"Yes, there are 15 prosecutors on the public prosecutor's list for the trial of the defendants on behalf of AM and IR," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Mataram District Attorney I Wayan Suryawan in Mataram, NTB, Monday, February 20, as reported by Antara.

The 15 prosecutors are I Wayan Suryawan, Yustika Dewi, Sesarto Putra, Dian Purnama, Burhanuddin, Budi Tridadi Wibawa, Hasan Basri, Fahar Alamsyah Malo, Ema Muliawati, Indrawan Pranacitra, I Komang Prasetya, and Ahmad Bayhaqi.

"The prosecutors who are included in the list of public prosecutors come from the delegates of the NTB Prosecutor's Office and the Mataram Prosecutor's Office," he said.

Mataram District Court spokesman Kelik Trimargo said the KUR fund corruption case for the two defendants had been registered with the Mataram District Court.

For the case on behalf of the defendant Amirudin, registered with number: 5/Pid.Sus-TPK/2023/PN Mtr. As for the defendant Lalu Irham registered with number: 6/Pid.Sus-TPK/2023/PN Mtr.

"The two cases were registered on February 14, 2023," said Kelik.

Furthermore, he said the Head of PB Mataram had set the agenda for the inaugural trial for the two cases on Tuesday, February 22 at the Mataram Corruption Court.

"Yes, the inaugural trial will be held on Tuesday," he said.

In this case, it was revealed that the two defendants had different roles. The defendant Amirudin is a former official from conventional banking who is in charge of distributing KUR funds. Meanwhile, Lalu Irham, a treasurer from the NTB Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) who acts as the owner of CV ABB.

From the indictment, the public prosecutor applied Article 2 and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

Dalam kasus ini juga telah muncul kerugian negara Rp29,6 miliar. Angka tersebut merupakan hasil jumlah Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Perwakilan NTB.

According to experts, this figure arises from the purchase of a number of agricultural facilities (alsintan) which are allegedly not in accordance with the planning.

This distribution project also first emerged from cooperation between conventional banks, namely PT BNI Mataram Branch and PT SMA in distributing KUR funds to farmers in Lombok.

The cooperation agreement between the two parties is contained in letter Number: Mta/01/PKS/001/2020. In the letter, PT SMA and PT BNI agreed to distribute KUR funds to farmers in East Lombok and Central Lombok. The number of farmers registered as recipients was 789 people.

From the agreement, PT SMA in September 2020, appointed the defendant's CV ABB Lalu Irham to distribute KUR funds to farmers.

CV ABB's legality carries out distribution, as stated in the appointment letter Number: 004/ADM.KUR-SMA/IX/2020.

The existence of CV ABB in this distribution was also revealed because there was a recommendation from HKTI NTB which was under the leadership of the Deputy Regent of East Lombok Rumaksi.

In a series of investigations, the prosecutor's office has examined related parties. Witnesses who were confirmed to be present from the NTB HKTI management, including the Deputy Regent of East Lombok Rumaksi as chairman.

Apart from HKTI, witnesses who have been present before investigators come from PT BNI, a party that facilitates the process of distributing aid in the form of funds.

Likewise with CV ABB, companies that provide assistance to recipients from farmer groups in managing these assistance funds.

For the recipients, the prosecutor's investigators have completed an examination with the state loss audit expert. The results of the examination which then became a provision for calculating state losses.

Regarding the role of PT SMA and the director of a state official with the initials JR, the party who made the initial cooperation agreement with PT BNI, the prosecutor's office has yet to provide information.

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