
The Karawang Police have arrested four teenagers for carrying sharp weapons in the form of sickles during the operation of the Integrated Karang Precision Patrol Team, in the Karawang Regency, West Java. Karawang Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono said that while carrying out the activity, the Integrated Karang Precision Patrol Team received a public report regarding the possibility of a brawl of young people at night. "At that time, after receiving the report, immediately checked the location," he said in Karawang, Antara, Sunday, February 19. Arriving at the location, officers secured four teenagers, for carrying sharp weapons in the form of sickles. It is suspected that they will fight with a group of other youths. "For further details, patrol officers immediately handed over the handling of the case that Friday night to the Karawang Police Satreskrim," he said. Meanwhile, every weekend the Karawang Police hold joint patrols with the TNI ranks. During the operation, joint officers monitored a number of points, namely at 14 points prone to disturbances in the Kambtimas. The operation was also carried out at the entrance to the Karawang area. The goal is to prevent people who will enter Karawang from committing crimes. The police chief conveyed the importance of the collaboration between the TNI and Polri to keep Karawang safe from disturbances in Kamtibmas. Among the objectives of the operation is as an effort to prevent disturbances to public order and street crimes. The target points for the operation are public locations or public facilities, hangout places and locations prone to crime. The police chief also instructed the police to carry out the same thing through patrols at night.

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