
JAKARTA - Kendari City Police (Polresta) Southeast Sulawesi Province confiscated as many as 95 liters of traditional liquor during a joint patrol in the local Polresta jurisdiction. Kendari Police Chief Kombes Pol Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman in Kendari Sunday, said the personnel of the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Sat Resnarkoba) together with the Kendari City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol) created conditions with targets for narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and places for the sale of traditional liquor, as well as indekos in the Kendari Police jurisdiction. "The crime was carried out to make Kendari City conducive," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday. From the results of the patrol, he continued, his party found 95 liters of traditional liquor at three different crime scenes (TKP). The police said that in addition to finding traditional liquor, his party also confiscated 30 bottles of unlicensed liquor around Kadia District, Kendari City. "The 30 bottles are in the form of 14 bottles of white McDonald type, 11 bottles of red McDonald, and five bottles of star-hat type, "he explained. The former Director of Resnarkoba Polda Sultra further revealed, the patrol team also secured a man with the initials A along with a pipette suspected as a tool for drug abuse of methamphetamine type methamphetamine at the time of the boarding school in Kendari City. Kombes Pol Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman explained that the patrol was carried out until 02.00 WITA. The safe and conduc of red McDonald type, and five bottles of star-hat type, "he explained. The former Director of Resnarkoba Polda Sultra explained further investigation, the patrol team also secured a man with a pipet suspected as a tool for narcotics abuse of methamphetamine at the time of the boarding school in Kendari City. Kombes Pol Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman explained that the patrol was carried out until 02.00 WITA.

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