
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has been named the Father of Indonesian Automotive. The award was given at the 2021-2022 Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) Awards which was held in Jakarta, Saturday, 18 February.

Chairman of the Central IMI, Bambang Soesatyo said, President Jokowi deserves the status of the Father of Indonesian Automotive because of his services and contributions to developing the automotive world in Indonesia.

"IMI chairmen from all over Indonesia agreed to give the highest award to President Jokowi. What has been done so far has greatly encouraged the automotive world to become more enthusiastic and attract the world's attention," said Bamsoet, as quoted from Antara.

In addition to President Jokowi, the IMI Awards also give awards to outstanding automotive sports athletes, both at the national and international levels.

The award is also dedicated to figures who care about the development of the Indonesian automotive world, with award titles including the Lifetime Achievement Award, International Achievement Award (FIA, CIK, FIM), and the Best Provincial IMI.

The number of IMI Awards given to outstanding automotive athletes and figures who care and pay special attention to the automotive world in Indonesia or the world is 259 awards.

The IMI Awards award is expected to spur automotive sports athletes to make better achievements in the national and international arena.

President Jokowi expressed his appreciation for the holding of the IMI Awards. He praised the IMI Awards because they also gave awards to figures who made a major contribution to the development of motorsports events and achievements.

According to President Jokowi, the IMI Awards event can be used as a momentum to spur athletes' achievements and to excite motorsports events on the international stage.

"In 2022 we have succeeded in holding a world-class event, MotoGP in Mandalika which was witnessed by more than 100 thousand spectators," said President Jokowi.

The President said that in 2023 MotoGP will also be held again in Mandalika and Formula E in Jakarta. Indonesia, said President Jokowi, has national athletes who have the potential to become world champions in motorsports.

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