
JAKARTA - The perpetrators of motorcycle theft were arrested by residents in Gang Layang, RT 02/08, Kayu Besar, Kalideres District, West Jakarta, Friday, February 17.

The arrest of the perpetrator was carried out by local residents because the area has often stolen motorbikes. According to information gathered, residents deliberately provoked the perpetrators to commit theft again by parking motorbikes at the location.

Residents parked motorbikes at a special location to trap the perpetrators. After reconnaissance, the perpetrator was arrested.

Residents also recorded the actions of the perpetrators using cell phone video footage as evidence. The perpetrator was then handed over to the Kalideres Police.

Kalideres Police Chief AKP Syafri Wasdar said his party was not aware of the motorcycle theft incident that occurred on Friday morning. He will also check with his staff.

"Nothing yet, let me check first," he said briefly when confirmed by VOI, Friday, February 17.

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