The Reason The DPR Agrees That The Job Creation Perppu Is Ratified As A Law: There Are Komplications Because Of Many Investments In
Member of Commission III DPR RI Arsul Sani (Nailin In Saroh / VOI)


Member of Commission III of the DPR RI from the PPP faction, Arsul Sani, revealed the reason why the DPR RI Baleg approved Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation (Perppu Cipta Kerja) became a law during the next trial. Arsul assessed that the Job Creation Perppu is quite complicated because it will cause problems if rejected. Mainly, in the investment climate. "If the Ciptaker Perppu is for example rejected, there are also complications. Many investments enter with the belief that the regulation will not change. Well, that's what I think the sides are seen by the DPR," said Arsul Sani at the Senayan Complex, Thursday, February 16. However, according to Arsul, the Job Creation Perppu may still be revised even though it has been passed into law. In fact, he said, a judicial review could be carried out by the Constitutional Court if there were parties who objected. "It (Perppu Ciptaker, red) is still possible for us to revise it again, or those who objected to it through a judicial review. These possibilities remain open," explained Arsul. Previously, the DPR Baleg agreed to bring the Job Creation Perppu to a plenary meeting to be ratified into law. "Can the results of the discussion on the Bill on the Determination of Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into law be approved to proceed to second-degree talks?" said Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI M. Nurdin, who was answered to agree by the majority of faction representatives at the plenary meeting to make a decision on the results of the discussion of the Job Creation Perppu at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 15. Based on the discussion carried out by Baleg with the government and the DPD, as many as seven factions approved the Ciptaker Perppu to be ratified into law. Meanwhile, two factions, namely the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction and the Democratic Faction, stated that they refused. However, in the plenary meeting held today, the Job Creation Perppu was not ratified. The DPR leadership only stated that the DPR RI and the government would discuss the Perppu in accordance with the mechanism of the applicable laws and regulations by taking into account the aspirations of the developing community and also considering the national interest.

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