JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that security issues in Papua cannot be generalized between each region. The deployment of Susi Air pilots in Nduga, Papua Mountains, does not reflect security in other areas of Papua.
" “ Papua's (safety) problem is no longer a Papua problem (in general) now because Papua has become six parts of the province," said Vice President Ma'ruf in a press statement on the sidelines of a working visit in North Sumatra, Antara, Wednesday, February 15.
He conveyed that the current security issue is only in the Papua Mountains Province, where Susi Air's pilot hostage-taking occurs. Meanwhile, five other provinces in Papua are in a safe condition.
"In fact, in other regions, we ask for more provinces. In West Papua we ask for one additional province, in the parent Papua we ask for additional provinces. This means that they actually have no problems," said Ma'ruf.
According to Ma'ruf, if at this time there is a group of individuals who take offensive actions, this can no longer be generalized into one Papuan unit.
Ma'ruf also said that to maintain security stability in Papua, it is necessary to have active defensive actions from law enforcers and regional security guards.
"Not offensive, but defensively active for protection," he stressed.
Ma'ruf also believes that the creation of security is one of the main keys in carrying out development in Papua. Therefore, he asked the ranks of regional security to continue to oversee the creation of a safe and peaceful atmosphere in the Papua region.
"Security officers, there are regional police chiefs, military commanders, and rem, and escorts will be carried out," he said.
Thus, he added, all efforts to develop Papua's welfare that have been designed can run well and the benefits can be accepted by all Papuan people.
"We (the government) want our approach to welfare development. We cannot run well if security cannot be conducive. Five provinces (in Papua) are conducive, in one province (Papua Mountains) we will make conducive. Later on, we will build security on how to protect the community, the projects that we make development will be tightened (its protection)," said the Vice President.
Present to accompany Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in giving this press statement, including the Governor of North Sumatra Edy Rahmayadi, Chairman of Jamiyah Batak Muslim Indonesia Arif Rahmansyah Marbun, and Special Staff of the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi.
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