The Judicial Commission (KY) has dispatched a team to conduct monitoring at a series of trials related to the arrest and determination of suspects at the Supreme Court.
The inaugural trial of the defendant Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad Dimyati (SD) was also attended by the Commissioner of the Judicial Commission for the Supervision of Judge Behavior and Investigation, Joko Sasmito along with the Head of the Legal Behavior Supervision Bureau, Mulyadi and the KY team.
"Monitoring by KY is carried out for all series of cases and is not limited to the defendant Supreme Court Justice SD. However, the case with the defendant judge Yustial ETP, several MA staff, bribe givers, and bribery intermediaries with the background of the advocate profession," explained KY spokesman Miko Ginting via electronic message received in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 15.
Miko said monitoring at every trial agenda was carried out in order to collect information to see this incident in its entirety.
"It is not impossible for this monitoring to find other information that is included in the KY domain to be followed up," explained Miko.
KY is very understanding of the independence of judges and the judiciary. Monitoring by KY is actually carried out to support the independence of judges and courts and the aim is not only in the corridor of supervision.
If there are allegations of violations of the judge's code of ethics and code of conduct, it will be forwarded to the supervisory route. However, if there are allegations of demeaning the judge's honor, for example in the form of intimidation or intervention, it will be followed up with the judge's advocacy.
The ethics process by KY against the accused judges (both Supreme Court justices and judicial judges) is still ongoing in line with this trial. The trial process and the ethical process support and complement each other.
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