
PALEMBANG - Personnel from the Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88) Anti-terror Police confiscated a bow, dozens of books, and three jackets bearing the symbols of a certain organization from the house of a suspected Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist network in Palembang City, South Sumatra.

The confiscation was carried out by the Densus 88 Anti-terror Team during a search operation of a suspected terrorist's house, namely a man with the initials IR alias Ibad (30), located in the Tanjung Barangan Asri complex, Block E1, Ilir Barat 1, Palembang, Tuesday, 14 February.

Head of RT 004/003 Tanjung Barangan Palembang Sukarya Darmawan confirmed that there was an operation and the confiscation of the three types of goods from the house of a resident with the initials IR.

Sukarya admitted that he witnessed the search and seizure firsthand because Densus 88 Anti-terror personnel asked him to be a witness along with the head of the local RW.

"Yes, only the two of us (civilians) were asked to witness the search and seizure of three types of items by the Densus team", he said when met at the location, reported by Antara.

He said there were around 10 members of Densus 88 each in full uniform and civilian clothes who carried out the search operation.

The operation was quick and straightforward, estimated to take no more than 1.5 hours, starting around 10.30 WIB and ending at 12.00 WIB.

According to him, in that short time, almost all sides of the room in the house were not spared from being searched by the authorities who were guided by someone via a video call channel.

"I don't know who is in the video? Are you IR or not? We are not allowed to record but just watch. This is stated in the warrant that they (Densus 88) gave me to see", said Sukarya who also works as a lecturer at the University of Palembang.

During the search, he found in house type 36 the wife and a child of the suspected IR terrorist.

From the information conveyed to Sukarya, IR is a suspected JI network terrorist who was arrested by Densus 88 in Lampung Province a few days ago.

Sukarya said that the Densus 88 team brought the three types of goods from inside the house using 2 black minibuses with police numbers for the Lampung Province region.

He also said that IR had left the Tanjung Barangan Asri complex, Palembang, for about a year.

Previously, he continued, the person concerned was known by residents to teach the Koran every day and actively participate in all activities at the mosque complex, the Ar Rahmah Mosque.

"He is a kind, friendly, and generous person, and often distributes soy milk to residents. He here regularly holds community pillar activities such as recitation, thanksgiving, and celebrations. So, this IR never wants to show his face when being photographed", said Sukarya.

Based on the monitoring, after the Detachment 88 team searched the greenhouse, which was covered in ornamental plants, it looked deserted and there was no activity.

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