
SUKABUMI - A married couple (couple) resident of Cisalak Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, was hit by a coconut tree when they were about to return to their home after farming in their fields. "As a result of the incident, his wife, Herti Kartini (50) died while her husband, Jajang (63) was in critical condition and is still undergoing intensive treatment at Sekarwangi Cibadak Hospital, Sukabumi Regency," said Cikembar Police Chief AKP R Panji Setiaji, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday 14 February Information compiled from the police, before the unfortunate incident experienced the two victims, the couple who were residents of RT 03, RW 12, Sukamaju Village, Cikembar District rushed home after farming in the fields because it was raining heavily with strong winds at that time. His colleague, Otoy, asked Jajang and Herti to take shelter first until the rain subsided, but the couple chose to continue their journey because they wanted to quickly get home and rest. Unfortunately, when traveling home, suddenly trees The coconut that was on the side of the footpath that the two victims passed and fell on the couple was as a result of Jajang and Herti being unconscious. It didn't take long for the rain to end and Otoy immediately rushed back to his house. However, because he was not strong, he immediately asked the residents to get rid of the trunk of the large coconut tree from the couple's body. However, because he was not strong, he immediately asked the residents helped evacuate the tree trunk. As a result of the incident, Herti died on the spot due to severe injuries to her head and parts of her body, while Jajang is still in critical condition due to serious injuries and is undergoing intensive care at the Sekarwangi Hospital. According to Panji, his party received news of a fallen tree that hit the couple, immediately headed to the location with other Cikembar Police personnel to carry out the incident. The investigation. "From witness statements (Otoy), the unfortunate incident experienced by the two victims was an accident. It is suspected that the coconut tree fell due to being swept away by strong winds accompanied by heavy rain plus the stem was porous or weathered," he added. Panji said that Herti's body had been buried by residents and their families at a public cemetery (TPU) not far from their homes. He also appealed to residents to always be vigilant when passing large trees, especially at times when rain and strong winds.

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