There Was A Raid On The Use Of TNI Service Training In Jatinegara
Photo via Antara


JAKARTA - Military Police (Pomdam) Jaya held a motor vehicle raid to curb the use of TNI service plates on Jalan Otista, Bidara Cina Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. "Activities led by Kasgakkum Pomdam Jaya Major Cpm Douglas Hutagalung and Danton Satlakkumwal Lt. Cpm Sugeng," explained the Commander of Pomdam Jaya, Colonel Cpm Irsyad Hamdie Bey Anwar in his official statement in Jakarta, Monday 13 February.

The raid targets are four-wheeled and two-wheeled motorized vehicles used by members of the TNI, as well as official vehicles used by civilians in the jurisdiction of the Jaya Regional Military Command.

According to him, the raid was an effort to increase the discipline of motorized driving, complete vehicle documents, and to curb the use of TNI service number plates.

"The maraknya penyalahgunaan pelat kendaraan dinas TNI di media sosial membuat buruk nama TNI dan untuk itu kita antikan," kata Irsyad dilansir Antara.

Before the raid began, Pomdam Jaya held a joint check-up with the Propam Polda Metro Jaya and the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya at the Satlakgakkumwal Polmdam Jaya field.

Pomdam Jaya personnel and their staff stopped every TNI member who passed the raid site, as well as civilians who used a vehicle with a vehicle number plate of the TNI Service. "After checking the completeness of the vehicle documents and being declared complete, the driver is asked to continue his journey. For the incomplete or misuse of the use of the TNI service plate, a fine and further process will be carried out," he said.

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