
TNI Private Peltu Silahudin Sidiq rebuilds the Hasanah Mosque in Nanggewer Village, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency, which was initiated by his father Haji Udjang Sidiq decades ago by encouraging local entrepreneurs to reach Rp. 3 billion.

"Initially, my intentions were doubted by all parties because the construction of this mosque was necessary and large," said Silahudin in Bogor, Saturday, February 11.

Then, Silahudin said, with the belief he built in front of residents on January 26, 2016, right during his father's hearing, he made his way to build a Hasanah mosque, which means goodness is open.

The renovation of the mosque began on February 1, 2017 and was completed in 2019 by working together with local residents.

A number of businessmen around him also helped Silahudin's struggle to build the mosque.

"Religious figures, community leaders initially asked where the funds would come from. Finally, with the permission of Allah, the funds were collected and all figures and thousands of people had jointly held a survey at the end of January (2023)," he explained.

According to him, belief and determination and trying to keep good communication with various parties made their struggles materialized.

Now, the Hasanah Mosque at the end of a road intersection, right behind the red light access to Pakansari Stadium in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, which was originally so shabby and unkempt, stood firmly to welcome the congregation.

The now orange mosque is always passed by Nangger residents who want to pass to Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor through the Simpang Pakansari red light. Likewise, people from Pakansari to Bogor City.

From the opposite direction, people from the direction of Sentul and Babakan Madang will also pass through the mosque towards Bogor City. Also, those who came from Jakarta via Depok.

Hasanah Mosque, which was founded by his father in the 1950s or even older than that, was the first mosque in Nanggewer.

"Alhamdulillah, now, the mosque belongs to the congregation, the residents of Nanggewer will take care of it together," he said.

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