
JAKARTA - Aceh Besar Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) officers and the Banda Aceh National SAR Agency (Basarnas) evacuated a number of residents who were trapped in floods in Gampong Cot Leot and Teupin Batee, Blang Bintang District, Aceh Besar District, Saturday, February 11 in the morning.

Floods in the area began to occur around 20.00 WIB. As a result, dozens of houses were submerged with varying water levels, ranging from 30 centimeters to 1.5 meters.

A number of residents of the two gampongs were also reported to be trapped because of the high water discharge and strong current. BPBD Aceh Besar immediately dispatched a rescue boat to evacuate residents in Teupin Batee Village.

The evacuation of residents was also assisted by the Head of Blang Bintang Sub-district, Koramil, and the local gampong alert community. The evacuation process was quite difficult for the team, because the water flow was quite heavy. Three residents of Teupin Batee Village who were trapped were successfully evacuated at around 00.00 WIB.

"Alhamdulillah, with the cooperation of village officials and BPBD, we succeeded in evacuating a grandmother and a child and their mother in a heavy flood area," said Head of Blang Bintang Zulfadli in Aceh Besar, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, February 11.

Furthermore, the Banda Aceh National SAR Team also moved to the scene, with a rubber baot unit to evacuate a number of families trapped in the Gampong Cot Leot area.

Separately, the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) reported that floods and landslides on Friday, February 10 night occurred in a number of sub-districts, Aceh Besar District, namely Gampong Lhokngan, Lhoknga District which submerged Banda Aceh-Meulaboh National Road.

Then, Gampong Cot Leot and Teupin Batee in Blang Bintang District, Meunasah Kulam and Meunasah Mon in Grand Mosque District and landslides in Lamtreuba Village, Seulimum District.

"Flooding due to the high intensity of rainfall that occurred on Friday so that water inundated residential areas and landslides that covered the road," said BPBA Chief Executive Ilyas.

For the affected victims, BPBD recorded 49 people in 16 families in Gampong Cot Leot and 62 people in 17 families in Gampong Teupin Batee, Blang Bintang District.

Meanwhile, the affected victims in the Grand Mosque District are 12 people in four family coconuts in Gampong Meunasah Kulam.

"There were no casualties. They fled to the house of their closest relatives. The latest condition is that the water has receded, the landslide material has been cleaned up by officers and the community," he said.

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