
Member of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Basri Baco assesses that the DKI Provincial Government is unprofessional in responding to the preparation of the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Electronic Traffic Control (PL2SE).

This is in response to the DKI Provincial Government's plan to propose the withdrawal of the Raperda PL2SE from the 2023 regional regulation formation program (propemperda). The Raperda PL2SE is a regulation that regulates the implementation of the paid road system (ERP).

According to Baco, academic papers regarding ERP's implementation plan by the DKI Provincial Government should have been carefully formed, before submitting a Raperda PL2SE to the DPRD to become a propeperda. The DKI Provincial Government must have anticipated the public's rejection of ERP.

"If they want to withdraw on the grounds that they feel there is something that needs to be improved or not perfect. This means that they are not professional in following the process and study to apply for a Raperda," Baco said when contacted, Friday, February 10.

However, Baco invited the DKI Provincial Government to propose the withdrawal of the Raperda PL2SE from the regional regulation, accompanied by an explanation of the considerations for the withdrawal of the regulation. Furthermore, the proposed withdrawal of the Raperda will be discussed by the Bapemperda of the DKI DPRD.

"At the Bapemperda meeting, we will consider it. We will call them (the DKI Provincial Government) why is this, why is that, what is it? What is the problem? If it really makes sense or does it for good, it could be withdrawn," said Baco.

Draft Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Electronic Traffic Control (PL2SE) which regulates paid roads has been prepared. The Provincial Government and DKI DPRD have also conducted initial discussions regarding the contents in the draft, but the discussion of articles per article has not been carried out. ERP implementation plan in Jakarta has drawn rejection from community groups. Online motorcycle taxi drivers (ojol) held a demonstration in front of the DKI DPRD building and DKI Jakarta City Hall. Ojol Action at DKI City Hall, Thursday, February 9, was visited by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Syafrin Liputo. Syafrin was asked to clarify the plan to implement a paid road or electronic road pricing (ERP). Initially, Syafrin answered diplomatically about the demands for mass action. Syafrin said that the DKI Provincial Government would follow up on two ojol demands, namely reviewing the Raperda PL2SE and excluding online transportation from vehicles that were included in ERP payments.

This answer did not satisfy the ojol masses. Syafrin finally admitted that he would propose a withdrawal from his party to withdraw the Raperda P2LSE from the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the DKI DPRD. Thus, the Raperda P2LSE will not be included in the discussion agenda this year.

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