
JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, provided assistance with gamelan musical instruments to 230 villages in Central Java. And it has been done since 2018.

The assistance budgeted through the Central Java Province Financial Assistance has been allocated to all villages in Central Java since 2018. Each village receives assistance ranging from Rp75 million to Rp600 million for the procurement of gamelan musical instruments.

The assistance of gamelan musical instruments to villages aims to develop art and culture there. Acting Head of the Central Java Provincial Bapermades Service, Nur Kholis, admitted that this was in accordance with Ganjar Pranowo's policy in an effort to preserve cultural arts in Central Java.

" Gamelan assistance has been given to 230 villages with a total budget of Rp27 billion, that has been since 2018," said Nur Kholis, Thursday, February 9.

Nur Kholis detailed that assistance in the first year worth Rp2.8 billion was given to 18 villages. Followed by 2019, as many as 43 receiving villages with a total budget of Rp4.9 billion.

The aid continues for 19 villages in 2020 with a budget of IDR 1.3 billion. Meanwhile, in 2021, the budget will increase drastically to IDR 12.1 billion for 95 villages.

"Well, for 2022, assistance is given to 55 villages with a total budget of Rp. 5.9 billion. For each recipient the amount is different. Some are Rp. 75 million to Rp. 600 million," explained Nur Kholis.

He hopes that the government's concern in providing assistance in the procurement of gamelan musical instruments can stimulate art amidst the onslaught of foreign culture.

"Central Java has many kinds of arts and culture. The hope is that this assistance can continue to preserve cultural arts," hoped Nur Kholis.

In line with that, the management of gamelan assistance in Langon Village, Annual District, Jepara Rhobi Sani said that Ganjar Pranowo's concern was well utilized by the artists in his village.

"Of course happy and grateful because Pak Ganjar has provided gamelan assistance, my friends are so excited to practice," he said.

In addition, the intense cultural arts community works by Tongprak, Tongtek, campursari and wayang, namely Putu Langgar Community also makes the gamelan provided by the Central Java Provincial Government as a means of training as well as performances.

"Not only friends in the community but also the surrounding community, from children to parents or adults, even the head of the RT to make associations, participate in training. Yes, this assistance is very useful for preserving cultural arts," said community administrator Putu Langgar.

Not only used by the Putu Langgar Community, the assistance provided by the Central Java Provincial Government was also used by various levels of society in the local village.

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