
Investigators of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police will cooperate with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to calculate state losses in the case of alleged corruption in the procurement of four units of wooden vessels in Bima Regency with a budget value of Rp3.9 billion. "To calculate state losses in this case, investigators plan to cooperate with a team of experts from the BPKP," said the Daily Executive Head of the Public Relations Division of the NTB Police, Senior Commissioner Muhammad Iwan Mahardan, quoted by ANTARA Thursday, February 9. Before cooperating with BPKP, he explained, investigators will carry out coordination to see the need for experts in calculating state losses.Materi for the calculation of state losses has been prepared by investigators. The material relates to evidence of witness examination results and confiscation of procurement documents. In the investigation process, Iwan said that investigators had examined an estimated 30 witnesses. They came from the Bima Regency Transportation Service official, the government agency that carried out project procurement in 2021, the supervisory consultant, and project implementer. Iwan added that investigators still had to explore information from a number of witnesses, one of which was the head of the Bima Regency Transportation Service who had great responsibility in the procurement. The police handled the alleged corruption case as of May 24, 2022 based on the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of the NTB Police Number: Sp-Gas/12/V/2022/Dit Reskrimsus.Iwan said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the NTB Police Commissioner Nasrun Pasaribu Police had been paying attention in the settlement of this case by holding a case in early January 2023. The title aims to trace the role of the suspect. The Bima Regency Transportation Service project was carried out by CV Sarana Mandiri with a work contract agreement Number: 990,550/100/DISHUB/VIII/2021 dated August 5, 2021. The project implementation period ran over 132 working calendar days as of December 15, 2021. Although the work has been declared complete, however, the procurement of the ship sourced from the special allocation (DAK) was included in the findings of the Financial Audit Board. In the findings of the Audit Board

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