
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government has again streamlined the curfew rules for children as regulated in Yogyakarta Mayor Regulation Number 49 of 2022 as a measure to anticipate the emergence of street crimes involving children.

"The curfew rules already exist and have previously been running quite effectively. We will reactivate them later," said Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta Sumadi as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 9.

Sumadi's statement was made in response to the emergence of a street crime case that occurred in the Yogyakarta Kilometer Zero Point area on Tuesday, February 7 morning.

According to Sumadi, children's curfew rules are not intended to curb children's freedom but to limit children's activities outside the home at certain hours, from 22.00 WIB to 04.00 WIB.

Within that time, children are required to be at home and carry out various activities with their families so that parental supervision becomes more optimal.

He also hopes that other districts in DIY Province can apply similar rules, namely limiting children's activities outside the home from night to early morning so that the anticipation of the emergence of street crimes involving children becomes more optimal.

"From temporary identification, the perpetrator is not a child or teenager from Yogyakarta. Therefore, we hope that other districts can apply similar rules to anticipate together," he said.

In addition to implementing the curfew, Sumadi said that his party had collaborated with a number of parties to map locations that were considered prone to street crimes.

"The places that are usually the location of children's hangouts will be more monitored along with Satpol PP and law enforcement officers, TNI and the police. Operations and patrols of security order are further enhanced," he said.

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