
The rise of sexual harassment against female passengers using the KRL commuter line train in the series, KAI Commuter asked passengers not to record and spread it to the public for violating Article 27 Paragraph 1 of the ITE Law.

KAI Commuter claims that the keretta carriage already has CCTV that can detect faces. If a crime occurs and is not immoral, the alleged perpetrator will be entered into the data base of the CCTV system analytically. So that the perpetrator will be detected by the system and prohibited when boarding the commuter line train.

Responding to the statement, Transportation Observer Azas Tigor Nainggolan said that the system mentioned by the Indonesian commuter train (KCI) was apparently unable to reduce or suppress incidents of sexual harassment in the mass transportation of commuter line trains.

"If you look at what happened, it's still happening, I still see that it's not enough with tools. KCI or KAI should also build an enforcement system, cooperate with the police," said Azas Tigor to VOI, Thursday, February 9.

Even Azas Tigor suggested that KCI immediately arrest perpetrators of sexual harassment and give strict punishments to provide a deterrent effect so that incidents of harassment do not continue to repeat themselves.

"If there are cases of sexual harassment like this, the perpetrators are immediately arrested and processed. So don't just record all kinds of things, that's not enough, it must be used as evidence," he explained.

The arrest of perpetrators of sexual harassment on trains is a firm step so that perpetrators of sexual crimes do not do that again.

"Arrest the person, legally process. So that people are afraid to do that on trains or on public transportation. So that there is a deterrent effect," he said.

Azas Tigor assessed that the problem of cases of sexual harassment and violence on the commuter line was never over because there was no firmness from KCI against the perpetrators.

"So far, the incident continues. Yes, because the enforcement of the perpetrators is not firm. That's why the managers of mass public transport services must build a cooperation system for handling cases of sexual harassment in public transportation, so that they are arrested and processed," he said.

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