
TANGERANG The disgraceful action carried out by a student at the South Tangerang Pustek Vocational School against teacher staff has caught the public's attention after going viral on social media. Although the principal has called parents of students, the perpetrator only received a warning in the form of making a statement not to repeat it, has not been sanctioned.

"Create a statement letter. That will not work anymore. (If-ed) repeats the school will be issued again," said the Principal of SMK Pustek Serpong, Masri. to reporters at the location, Wednesday, February 8.

Masri also explained that the argument between DW (the initials of the student) and the teacher staff in the classroom occurred when DW played the light switch in his classroom. The student's action was seen by the teacher's staff in front of the class. DW was immediately reprimanded for not doing the act for fear of something unwanted.

Before it was monitored, how come someone played the lights repeatedly. The student was reprimanded. We give an understanding that don't play with lights, I'm afraid there will be a fire. When he was reprimanded, he (the student) was not happy," explained Masri.

Because of the reprimand, DW and the teacher staff collided with the lawyer until DW issued inappropriate words in front of his friends.

"He doesn't want to, he's emotional, he's called human being told that it's difficult for a child, he's embraced by character, in the end he wants it too," he said.

The case has been processed by the school, DW has made a statement not to repeat similar acts.

"We made a letter, called the child and his parents, then also the one who shared because the video was not intact. And there has also been a statement letter. That I will not handle it anymore," he concluded.

A viral video on social media shows the disgraceful actions taken by a vocational school student in the Serpong area, South Tangerang against teacher staff in the classroom.

In the video uploaded by the @Info_Ciledug account, it can be seen that a student is involved in an argument with the teacher's staff in the classroom. The two debated until finally the student issued a swearing oath to his teacher's staff.

"To your house, yo, there's your father," said the Teacher Staff in the video.

"My person doesn't have a father," replied the student.

Mother, asked the teacher staff

Sibuk, replied the student.

"Ohh, I don't have a father, I'm arrogant, I've been silent... quiet," said the teacher's staff.

Then the student, who did not accept the teacher's staff's words, immediately approached and took an oath of allegiance to his teacher's staff.

The teacher's staff closed the door and left a noisy class due to the dishonorable student.

"I don't have a father.. Aj ***, you stupid. What!!!, you stupid, huh," shouted the student.

When confirmed, the Principal of SMK Pustek Serpong H Masri explained that his party had made a summons for the parents of the student.

"We made a letter, called the child and his parents. Then also the shared video, because the video is not intact. And there has also been a statement letter. That I will not handle it anymore. " explained Masri, to reporters, Wednesday, February 8.

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