
The Indonesian Embassy appealed to the families and relatives of Indonesian citizens in Turkey to remain calm. The Indonesian Embassy in Ankara said that not all areas in Turkey were affected by the M 7.8 earthquake, which was centered in Turkey's southeast.

"We need to emphasize once again, the main area that experienced the earthquake was only in the Southeast region of Turkey which is adjacent to the Syrian border," said the Indonesian Embassy in Ankara in a statement, Tuesday, February 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

The Indonesian Embassy in Ankara made an appeal to remain calm after the Indonesian Embassy hotline received many requests for information from the Indonesian people regarding the condition of their family / relatives / friends in Turkey.

The Indonesian Embassy in Ankara explained that the main areas affected by the earthquake in Turkey covered 12 regions, namely Adana, Adzenyaman, Kahramanmara

Based on the records of the Indonesian Embassy in Ankara, it is estimated that there are around 500 Indonesian citizens living, and most of them are students, spa therapists, people who are married to local residents and workers in international organizations operating on the Turkish-Syria border.

The Indonesian Embassy further explained that of the 6,500 Indonesian citizens registered in Turkey, nearly 90 percent live in theOUNDs ofOUNDs (Istanbul, Exchange, Kocaeli, Canakal, Kirklareli), Central Anatolia (Ankara, Syakarya, Karabuk, Kastamnu, Zonguldak, Samsun, Barten, Abyon, Kutahya, Eskisehir) and Agean (Isparta, Antalya, Izmir, Bodrum, Mugla) areas.

"WNI in these areas were not affected by the earthquake and all of them were safe," he said.

"Especially for the Kayseri area, the earthquake was felt in the city of Kayseri but conditions were safe and there were no casualties or collapsed buildings," said the Indonesian Embassy in Ankara.

Untuk itu, bagi mereka yang memiliki keluarga/kebat/teman di Turki yang berada di luar 12 daerah yang terkena dampak langsung tersebut tidak perlu khawatir dan tidak disusul untuk menghubungi hotline KBRI Ankara sehingga akan memberikan kesempatan kepada hotline untuk fokus menangani WNI yang terdampak langsung.

Previously, aftershocks continued to shake Turkey after the central and southeast parts of the country, as well as northern Syria, were hit by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8.

Based on the records of the United States weather and geophysics agency (USGS) website, as of 13.51 local time or 17.51 WIB, about 34 aftershocks of magnitude above magnitude 4 rocked the southeast of the country that treaded the two continents.

This large-power aftershock has a scale between the lowest magnitudes of 4.2 to a magnitude of 7.5.

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