
A cadre of the South Tangerang PDIP Party with the initials M (33) who was found dead in a ditch on Jalan Pesanggrahan Raya, South Jakarta, turned out to be a victim of a traffic accident.

The Head of Pesanggrahan Police, Kompol Nazirwan, said the allegation was strengthened after the crime scene (TKP) was carried out.

"The results of the crime scene, are strongly suspected (victims-ed) because of the accident," Nazirwan said in a short message.

Therefore, he said that the case of the discovery of the corpse had been handed over to the accident unit. Because the victim is an accident victim.

"Friends can coordinate with the Laka Unit," he concluded.

A South Tangerang PDIP cadre with the initials M (33) was found dead in a ditch in the Pesanggrahan Raya area, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Monday morning, January 30.

Kapolsek Pesanggrahan, Kompol Nazirwan admitted that he still could not conclude the cause of death, because an investigation was still underway.

"Yes, it's true this morning (the discovery of the corpse). The case is still under investigation," Nazirwan told reporters, Monday, January 30.

The incident began with a resident who intended to go to the sub-district office. Then when passing at the crime scene (TKP) a man was found in a ditch.

The victim has been taken to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta. The goal is for a post-mortem

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