JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has inaugurated 21 investigators and investigators who will strengthen the Deputy for Enforcement and Execution. The inauguration took place today, Monday, February 6.
"The addition of these new personnel is expected to increase the organizational capacity, especially in the task of law enforcement for corruption crimes," said Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Johanis Tanak during the inauguration which was held at the KPK Supporting Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.
Johanis detailed that there were 10 external investigators from the National Police and 3 from BPKP. Next, 3 internal investigators from the KPK civil servant and 8 external investigators from the National Police.
Johanis said, the anti-corruption commission may indeed appoint investigators and investigators based on Article 43 and Article 45 of Law Number 19 of 2019. However, before being appointed they must undergo education until training and be declared pass.
Furthermore, Johanis reminded the deputy work of prosecution that must be done.
"The handling of cases through case building; settlement of cases by optimizing money laundering offenses; settlement of case arrears and cases; management of assets, confiscated objects, and state booty (optimized, ed)," he said.
In addition, the employees who have just been inaugurated must be able to implement leadership policies. "It is law enforcement for corruption crimes that are aligned with national policies, which not only imprison corruptors, but by focusing on recovering state losses," said Johanis.
Dozens of employees were also reminded to maintain their faith. Tanak said this step is necessary so that their integrity remains strong.
"Without solid integrity, this institution will also not stand firmly. A solid integrity can only be built with faith, whatever religion and trust it adheres to," he concluded.
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