
The Langsa Customs and Excise Patrol Team confiscated tens of thousands of illegal cigarettes from a minibus that passed through the Alue Dua area, Langsa City, Aceh Province. Head of the Customs and Excise Service Supervision Office Type Customs C Langsa Sulaiman in Langsa, Monday, said the confiscation was a follow-up to public information. "The total illegal cigarettes seized reached 63,400 sticks. It is estimated that the potential loss of the state from these illegal cigarettes reached Rp89.2 million," Sulaiman said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 6. Disclosure of the illegal cigarettes originated from information from the public stating a minibus transporting illegal cigarettes. Based on this information, the patrol team directly monitored the means of transportation passing through Langsa City on Friday 3 February. From the results of monitoring, the patrol team stopped an informed minibus transporting illegal cigarettes on the Banda Aceh-Medan state road in Alue Dua, Langsa City. "Furthermore, the patrol team examined the minibus. "Based on the results of the inspection, it was found illegal cigarettes of the Luffman brand without being attached to excise stamps. Then, the team secured the driver of the minibus for further inspection," said Sulaiman. Sulaiman said. The violation of illegal cigarettes regulated Law No. 39 of 2007 concerning excise on excise. The minimum penalty is one year in prison and a maximum of five years in prison. As well as fines of at least two times and at most 10 times of the excise value that must be paid. Enforcement of these illegal cigarettes, said Sulaiman, is a testament to the seriousness and persistence of the government through customs in eradicating illegal goods. The enforcement also closed the entrance to smuggling into Indonesian territory. "The illegal cigarette prosecution not only protects the public from potential dangers of illegal goods, but also saves state revenue and creates justice for business actors who obey the statutory provisions," said Sulaiman.

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