
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) agrees that it has opened up the possibility of bringing inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe to Singapore to check on his health. However, this possibility was closed after the alleged bribery and gratuity suspects were uncooperative.

"KPK has said that regarding health, we will definitely carry out an examination at the RSPAD if necessary, then in Singapore. That's true," said the Head of KPK Reporting Section, Ali Fikri, quoted, Monday, February 6.

"However, the facts are the other way around. The person concerned (Lukas Enembe) was uncooperative, so the KPK carried out forced detention measures," he continued.

As a reminder, the anti-corruption commission considered Lukas to be uncooperative, so he was forced to arrest him last January at a restaurant with a joint team. After being arrested, he was then taken to Jakarta.

Before the arrests were made, Lukas had also inaugurated several government buildings. In fact, from the start his legal team always said that the number one person in Papua was in a serious illness.

Returning to Ali, he asked that the possibility of bringing Lukas to Singapore would not be immediately assessed as something that had to be fulfilled.

"It cannot then be concluded that there were promises made by the KPK," he said.

Instead of making a fuss with statements outside the substance of the law, Lukas' attorneys were asked to focus. The KPK asks that the narrative about health should be stopped.

Moreover, Lukas has never complained about anything while being detained at the KPK Detention Center (Rutan), Pomdam Jaya Guntur Branch. "So I don't think the health of the KPK suspect named LE will not be continuously focused on like this by the legal advisory team," said Ali.

Lukas Enembe is a suspect in alleged bribery and gratuities because he allegedly received money from the director of PT Tabi Bangun Papua, Rijantono Lakka. The award was made so that the private company could get a project in Papua.

The KPK stated that there was an agreement on a fee of 14 percent of the contract value and payment must be free from tax deductions.

After the agreement, Rijantono's company received three projects. The first is the improvement of Entrop-Hamadi Road with a project value of IDR 14.8 billion.

Rehabilitation of supporting facilities and infrastructure for Integration PAUD with a project value of IDR 13.3 billion. Finally, the venue environmental management project is developing the AURI outdoor with a project value of IDR 12.9 billion.

After the project was won, Rijantono handed over IDR 1 billion to Lukas. Apart from that, Lukas is also suspected of receiving gratuities of up to tens of billions which the KPK is currently investigating.

Apart from Lukas, the KPK suspects that there are other officials involved in receiving bribes and gratuities. However, investigators are still investigating.

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