
BENGKULU - Head of Class II A Curup Bengkulu Prison, Bambang Wijanarko, revealed that the condition of the prison he inserted had exceeded the capacity of 700 inmates. That means it is close to 300 percent of the original capacity of 250 inmates.

Although the capacity of the prisons that oversees the three regencies in Bengkulu Province has been overcapacity, Bambang said, his party will still prepare various coaching programs so that prisoners have skills when returning to the community later.

"Various programs have been prepared for correctional inmates or inmates at Class IIA Curup Prisons, such as spiritual development, job skills training, education, opening livestock, fisheries, workshops and others," said Bambang, quoted by Antara, Mimggu February 5.

He added that the program prepared so that the prisoners can undergo their detention properly without any friction with others because the contents of the prison have exceeded their capacity.

Programs for prisoners from Rejang Lebong, Kepahiang and Lebong regencies include work training programs in the field of workshops.

Bambang said that his party had recently submitted a list of prison workshops as Skills Training Institutes (LPK) to the Manpower and Transmigration Office (Disnakertrans) Rejang Lebong Regency.

According to him, the Rejang Lebong Manpower and Transmigration Office will soon form a team in order to provide recommendations for Class IIA Curup Workshops to obtain a List of Skills Training Institutions and support the coaching activities of inmates at Class IIA Curup Prisons.

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