Jalan Umum Dilalui Kegiatan Perkebunan Rentan Rusak, Gubernur Kalbar Minta Perusahaan Allocate Dana Perawatan
Heavy equipment activity during loading and unloading at coal mining into trucks. (ANTARA-M Risyal Hidayat)


West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Governor Sutarmidji asked plantation and mining companies to provide more allocations for maintenance funds or road repairs. Mainly roads are prone to damage due to the company's activities in the two sectors.

"Currently, our road capability is only at 8 tons, so what is it difficult to pass by vehicles with more burdens than that. So the damage is very unavoidable, while when people submit complaints (demores) yes to the local government," said Sutarmidji in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Sunday, February 5, was confiscated by Antara.

In fact, he continued, the sector is a central government policy, not a local government. Local governments should receive support and assistance for accelerating development and improving infrastructure.

Sutarmidji also admitted that he agreed with DPR Commission XI member Mukhamad Misbakhun during a meeting in Pontianak recently.

In its meeting, regions should not only demand the distribution of the proceeds from exports of crude palm oil or CPO to the government, but the government is expected to increase the budget for special allocation funds (DAK) disbursed to areas that have more plantation, mining and other companies.

Regarding the distribution of the CSR program, he emphasized that there must be clear rules who play a role and are responsible. Because according to him, in the implementation in the field so far it is not clear who carried out and supervised it.

The West Kalimantan Provincial Government has also tried several times to mediate plantation sector companies with local governments, but has not found a bright spot, because the meeting attended by corporate representatives is not the company's leader who cannot make decisions.

"Hopefully from this meeting, we can solve existing problems from the plantation sector. And the central government can issue clear rules regarding this CSR," he said.

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