
JAKARTA - For two hours, the official PKS envoy met with the Chairman of NasDem, Surya Paloh in NasDem Tower. There was a high level political conversation in the midst of a situation that started to warm up. "It didn't feel like we discussed almost two hours with Bang Surya. One thing that was encouraging, when we met Bang Surya, Alhamdulillah, he seemed fresh, fresh and fit. God willing, we pray for him to stay healthy and fit," said Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman in a press conference at NasDem Tower, Friday, February 3. "Our conversation with Bang Surya, I call it high politics. The things that concern state life. We discussed earlier that today's political situation is very dynamic, therefore we affirm that this increasing political dynamics we must take care of together so that this political life can truly become a stable and conducive so that our democratic event in the future is a rational and also constitutional event of democracy," he continued. In his discussion with Surya Paloh, continued Sohibul, as a coalition, PKS and NasDem hope that democracy that will be carried out in 2024 is a democratic event that runs honestly, directly, and can truly fulfill the sovereignty of the people. The two of them also talk about how the coalition supporting Anies Baswedan can contribute more to the improvement of Indonesia's political system in the future. "We are determined to give a good example that goes to the rules of the constitution and the laws that we have. So that our democracy in the future becomes a more quality democracy," said Sohibul. "Of course, the atmosphere is very friendly. I feel this is a topic of discussion between a younger brother and a brother. It's true that we got many stories, the experiences experienced by Bang Surya during his politics since the age of 18 years. This means very extraordinary, yes, salt," he added.

PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi, added that the friendship between PKS and NasDem will continue. According to him, the two political parties are ready to face an honest and fair 2024 election. "The meeting took place very relaxed and enjoyed Why is this communication making the atmosphere more conducive to be more prepared to face a better election situation and God willing, it will run smoothly," Aboe said. "This gathering will not stop here, we are no longer talking about declarations, but we are talking about how Indonesia will be even better in the future. This is the core of our conversation," he added.

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