
The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Parepare City, South Sulawesi, reported that the number of victims affected by floods and landslides spread across four sub-districts and seven sub-districts in the local city reached 1,345 families.

"Temporary data on the affected victims were 1,354 families with 5,292 people. Two people died," said the Coordinator of the BPBD Parepare Rapid Response Team (TRC), Erick, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 2.

For areas affected after the flood, each of the worst was in Lappade Village, Ujung District. As many as 30 people fled, two people died when they were swept away by the current, namely Ramli (50) and Fitri (49), known by husband and wife, address on Jalan Bukit Madani Tegal.

Then, as many as 11 housing units were swept away during flash floods, 370 housing units, one mosque unit, two cars and 10 motorbikes were also affected.

Furthermore, the impact of flooding also occurred in Watang Bacukki, Lemoe, Galung Maloang and Lompue sub-districts, as many as two housing units were washed away, one public facility namely mosques, elementary schools, posyandu and patrol posts as well as drainage and clean water pipelines including rice fields were also damaged and dozens of houses were submerged in water.

In West Bacuki District, there are two affected villages, in Lumpue Village, dozens of houses and one public elementary school 93 and SMKN 1 Parepare were submerged in water. Meanwhile, in Bumi Harapan Barat Village, dozens of houses were damaged by the flood.

Meanwhile, in Bukit Harapan Village, Soreang District, dozens of housing units were submerged in water, and damaged and houses were affected by landslides.

"The estimated loss is still under assessment. Efforts are being made by the Parepare BPBD Rapid Response Team to evacuate and handle the incident. Currently, we are continuing to collect data and provide assistance to affected victims," said Erick.

Separately, the Head of BPBD South Sulawesi Amson Padolo said that from reports received, the situation and conditions at disaster-affected locations were gradually conducive.

"The water there has receded. Now we are doing improvements and how to advocate for affected victims. It was reported that two died when they were swept away by the current, and two were hospitalized because they were hit by landslides. Our disaster impact data is still in process," said Amson while at the South Sulawesi DPRD office.

The former Head of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government's Communication and Information Service (Kominfo) added that material losses were still calculated.

"And currently humanitarian assistance is in the process of being distributed because it is mandatory and included in the protocol is still an emergency," said Amson Padoo.

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