
REJANG LEBONG - Police officers from the Rejang Lebong Resort, Bengkulu, arrested two suspected perpetrators of the farmer's murder after they were caught stealing the victim's petai.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Tonny Kurniawan said the two suspects who carried out the murder of the victim named Mini (42), a resident of Apur Village, Sindang Beliti Ulu District, were arrested in less than 24 hours.

"The two suspects, Su (37) and Tr (28) are residents of Apur Village, Sindang Beliti Ulu District", said AKBP Tonny Kurniawan, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 2.

The first suspect arrested was Tr after surrendering to the Padang Ulak Tanding Police Headquarters.

Then to Tr's statement, the police are looking for the whereabouts of the perpetrator Su, who after the incident fled and hid at home in the Simpang Nangka Village, Selupu Rejang District. Su was also arrested.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Sampson Sosa Hutapea explained that from the results of the investigator's examination, it was known that the suspect Su killed the victim with the victim's machete.

"The killing was carried out spontaneously because the perpetrator panicked when he was caught stealing the victim's map. To Su's confession, it was he who hit the victim. Because this victim threatened to report his actions to the village head. The perpetrator Su immediately hit the victim and grabbed the victim's machete to slit the victim's throat", he explained.

Meanwhile, the suspect Tr was the victim's petai thief. When in action, Tr climbed up a tree.

"Even though he was not directly involved in the killing, it is possible that the perpetrator Tr only helped move the victim's body and then covered the victim with weeds. Regardless of whether he was really involved, we are currently still conducting an in-depth investigation", he said.

Previously, the victim Mini (42), on Tuesday (31/1) night was found dead in a deplorable condition, due to a wound in the neck that was almost severed as a result of being slashed with a sharp weapon.

This murder case was suspected after the victim caught the perpetrator of petai theft in his garden.

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