
JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) assessed that there was an error in the demands and the replication of Richard totaling alias Bharada E that was prepared by the public prosecutor (JPU) in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J.

"First, the LPSK recommendation is not for consideration by the prosecutor, but that is the judge's consideration in passing the verdict," said LPSK Deputy Chairman Edwin Partogi Pasaribu in Jakarta, Thursday, February 2.

This, continued Edwin, is in accordance with the law's order which states that recommendations are contained in the demands.

Second, Edwin assessed that the prosecutor did not understand the justice collaborator or the JC. In fact, there have been many national and international studies on JC.

"Prosecutor has minimal bibliography to understand justice collaborators," he said.

In addition, he assessed that the prosecutor did not understand the JC needed to uncover cases whose evidence was difficult. On that basis, the assistance of a JC is needed and he deserves rewards.

Finally, Edwin assessed that the Public Prosecutor had rhythmized the suffering experienced by Brigadier J. In fact, the family of the late Brigadier J had forgiven Bharada E. On the other hand, the victim's family questioned the prosecutor's demands against Putri Candrawati.

To note, the public prosecutor's team in the trial of the alleged murder case against Brigadier J rejected the plea or memorandum of defense of Bharada E.

In addition, the Public Prosecutor asked the panel of judges to make a decision as stated in the indictment of the public prosecutor's demands which had been read out on Wednesday, January 18.

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