
Surabaya City DPRD Commission B is worried that the plan for the night zoo program at the Surabaya Zoo (KBS) will disturb the comfort and life of animals.

Deputy Chairman of Commission B of the Surabaya DPRD, Anas Karno admitted that he was afraid that the night zoo could have an impact on the survival of animals which are currently KBS collections.

"Sejak awal saya menolak keras. Ini akan sangat mengganggu kenyamanan dan kehidupan satwa. Karena membuat cycle pola hidup satwa berubah," kata Anas, dilansir dari Antara, Kamis 2 Februari.

At dusk the animals will be ready to rest. So when visitors visit, the rest time of the animal can change.

"These animals also need rest like humans," he said.

He also reminded other functions that KBS is not only an iconic zoo of the city of Surabaya which is already very well known, but KBS is also a city forest that functions as the lungs of the city.

"It will disrupt the habitat of wild birds, which make the forest of the city of KBS their place of residence," said Anas.

Anas protested the way the KBS manager judged him to have ignored the fate of animals just to increase and increase income.

"Has this plan been studied in depth with fauna experts. How will it affect animals in the long term. Don't then just want to get additional income, but ignore animal survival. It's useless," said Anas.

Moreover, he said, the number of visitors to the night zoo was limited and so was the operating hours, so if you can get additional income, you can't get maximum.

It is better for the KBS Animal Park Regional Company (PDTS), he continued, to make lay out improvements, so that visitors are more comfortable enjoying a collection of animals, so as to attract tourists, for example creating a lane, starting from the entrance to the exit.

"It's not like it's chaotic now. People who have never been to KBS will find it difficult to see the entire collection of animals. Because the location is not in one lane," he said.

It is known that PDTS KBS is currently finalizing Surabaya Night Zoo preparations which are planned to open every weekend night, by limiting operating hours not until 00.00 WIB. The number of visits will also be limited on the grounds of considering the conditions and comfort of animals, as well as the Surabaya Night Zoo route only passing through the nokturnal animal area.

"The progress of Surabaya Night Zoo has reached 50 percent. It is targeted to be completed 80 percent by the end of February," said Public Relations of PDTS KBS Mochammad Alvi Soviandy.

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