
The Geological Agency's Center for Groundwater and Environmental Geology (PATGTL) stated that the condition of groundwater levels in the Greater Bandung area is decreasing and its availability is classified as critical.

Head of the PATGTL of the Geological Agency Rita Susilawati in Bandung, West Java, said that based on water monitoring wells, the groundwater level in Bandung fell to 60-100 meters deep. The depth of groundwater is relatively safe, which is 20-40 meters deep.

"The average land water fell to (deeper) 60-100 meters, so that CAT (threatwater) Bandung Raya ranged from 60-100 meters, so drilling the well had to go deeper," said Rita at the Geological Agency Office, followed by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 1.

However, he said his party was still reviewing land subsidence in Greater Bandung. Because, he said, land level subsidence is an indication of land subsidence.

"Usually, if the water drops, the soil drops, we are still evaluating the data, the indication is that," he said.

Based on its analysis so far, areas where the surface of the soil is categorized as damaged are in the Rancaek, Leuwigajah, and several other areas.

He explained that the decrease in water level was partly caused by the consumption of people's water that utilized groundwater.

In addition, according to him, industrial use of water in an area is also a factor in the decline in groundwater level.

Previously, he said, permits to utilize groundwater in addition to the water needs of the community were in the local government. But now the licensing is in the Ministry of Energy, Mineral Resources which oversees the Geological Agency.

So he ensured that his party would be careful to give permission to use large-scale groundwater sources, especially in the CAT Bandung Raya area.

He also admitted that he would coordinate with local governments to conduct a moratorium regarding the problem of groundwater that is decreasing in the Greater Bandung area.

"Because he also did not deny that water is a primary need for people's lives, so wisdom is needed to overcome the condition of the landwater subsidence," he said.

"In Jakarta, the moratorium is prohibited from taking groundwater in damaged areas, but in West Java it is not prohibited because anyone who takes groundwater must build infiltration wells. Only the construction of infiltration wells has not been studied for effectiveness, whether it really adds groundwater or not," he said.

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