
JAKARTA - Meetings are activities that are often carried out in the office to share ideas, discuss strategies, and make decisions. In order for the meeting to run smoothly and conducive, of course, we need to provide a room along with tables and chairs.

Generally, there are 4 types of meeting tables that we can adjust to the size and design of the room, as follows.

1. Meeting table of round round tables is more suitable to be placed in a small room because it does not take up many places. The advantage of the round meeting table is that everyone can meet each other face to face, making the discussion process easier.

2. A square meeting meeting table is available in various sizes that can be adjusted to the room area. No wonder, this type of meeting table is suitable to be placed in small or large rooms. In addition, you can combine several square meeting tables into one if there are quite a lot of meeting participants who will attend.

3. Persegi Panjang Meeting Table The rectangular meeting meeting is generally more suitable to be placed in large rooms for formal meetings, such as directors and commissioners meetings. In fact, the smallest rectangular meeting table can accommodate 6-8 people.

4. Oval Meeting tables Like round meeting tables, oval meeting tables can also make it easier for meeting participants to discuss each other. Usually, oval meeting tables can be used to make meeting rooms that are more unique and modern.

Those are some types of office tables that you can use for meeting purposes. You can buy various tables and chairs for the office only through Information Online.

Here, you can also get other office equipment, from office cabinets, safes, to bookcases. In addition, there are also various attractive offers that make shopping more efficient and profitable.

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