
TANGERANG Residents of Jalan Perdana, Kedaung, Pamulang, South Tangerang were shocked by the discovery of the body of a woman hanging herself in her house. The findings were discovered in the early hours of Wednesday, February 1, at around 01.30 WIB. The victim with the initials S, who is known to be suffering from mental disorders.

"Yes, it is true that the woman who died was suspected of committing suicide," said Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, Ipda Galih when confirmed, Wednesday, February 1.

Galih recounted that at first the discovery of the victim was by her biological child.

The incident began when H intended to urinate in the toilet of his house. However, when passing through his mother's room, it turned out that he saw the victim was dead in a position hanging from a rope.

"Seeing that the condition of the deceased had hung on the bedroom door frame using a rope, witness H shouted to summon witness II," he said.

After that, H informed the head of the local RW and finally contacted the police. Furthermore, the police who arrived immediately conducted an investigation. Then, the victim was taken to the hospital.

"The results of the check showed no signs of violence on the deceased's body. Based on the family's statement, the deceased had a history of mental disorders and frequent outpatient treatment at the South Tangerang Hospital," he concluded

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